Speaking of anal sac problems in dogs is not a topic of conversation at dinner party, but it is an important part of being a dog.
Some dogs can go through life and never had a problem with these small glands and other dogs from a problem a month.
If your dog constantly licking their rule into question, or anal area
He / she scooting on the carpet or grass, anal sac may be a problem.
What are anal glands? I have two dogsAnal sacs, which are visible as large holes on the sides of the clock clocks 4 and 8 of the anus. In a small dog that are about the size of a pea and a big dog the size of a bean. For the most part have never seen and really have no essential function except to distribute a foul-smelling liquid (a type of lubrication), if a dog faeces.
Some say that their function is to mark their territory dogs, but it is shown that dogs their own urine as a tool of marker. As weknow the anal glands may be a function of the descendants of prehistoric dogs that had a use for them. Dogs can work very well today without them.
What problems can cause these glands? For most of the problems caused by anal glands usually means a jump to the vet to squeeze the glands and the fluid build up is released. It 'important when you see your dog scooting around the carpet or grass outside, is an appointment with the vet for a check-up.There is the possibility of small tumors, bacterial infections, produced by the unusual shapes of milk and jam.
Some breeds such as poodles seem to be more sensitive to the problems anal output, as well as middle-aged and older dogs, overweight dogs, but some also have the problem. Dogs fed food with high fiber content that normally produce soft stools are also running candidates for this problem because there is no need to do any force.
In general, a trip to the vet is needed toand relief to be sure that there are no further problems. Most dogs do not need to be sedated, but the glands are affected when the sedation is recommended.
It is said that as the owner of a dog, this process can also learn, but I would not recommend it for two very good reasons. Especially the smell is overwhelming when the glands are pressed, and secondly, you do not know if it is a health problem or not.
Usually, only one trip to the vet is required, butSome dogs and / or races as possible, he suggested that the glands are removed. Since I do not really know what their true function and the distance has no effect on any of the dogs who have surgery. It could be the lesser of two evils, it will be done when you are in vet's office too often.
Most dogs live their lives without anal sac problems. But you should show your dog all the characters, it is important to make this trip to the vet, only tothat there are serious problems as a rectal or anal cancer, gastrointestinal disease or parasitic infestation.